Thanks, Here Is The Checklist

How I Recently Made $503.54
Affiliate Commissions
In Less Than 14 Days
On A Brand New Blog
No Email List | No Experience

What If?

There Was A Simple Method That, Once Learned,
Could Make Over $500 On A Brand New Blog?

That Could Radically Transform You From A Newbie
Making $0 To One Who Makes Good Affiliate Commissions?

Would You Want To Know The Method?

Well, I Tried It And Got It.

Recent Proof April 2020
All In Less Than 14 days

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What People Are Saying...

Case Study is a must read. Michael has put a ton of effort into his e-book. He explains in great detail everything you need to know on how to (and not to) write blogs, do reviews, etc. Michael goes into detail on how he made $503 as a newbie. He has this little book so well laid out that the reader will have a smile on their face at the end. You will love it!
Brett Westley
B.E. Westley Enterprises, LLC

How did I come about this simple method of
making money on a brand new blog?

What was my motivation?

This is my story

I work full time as a video editor in a media firm and one day, my boss called me up to his office.

And he asked me a few questions regarding some errors I made in the video subtitles (which was a first by the way).

I apologized and offered to rectify it as soon as possible.

In my defense,
I was ill on the day I edited that video and couldn’t quite focus while working.

But my boss did not let me off the hook that easy.

He raised his voice at me and told me I was incompetent and how I was too lazy to pay attention to detail.

He told me all sorts of things as I stood facing him as he yelled from his throne like seat in his office.

I could not move,
I could not speak freely.
There I stood looking like a child being scolded.

The peak of it was, when he was through.

He told me to GET OUT OF HIS OFFICE.

I felt that was the lowest point of my life.

I returned to my office, depressed. Thinking about all he said to me. The humiliation.

After thinking long and hard, I said to myself,

“I can’t keep doing this”?

Working so hard on a project and getting insulted when I make a tiny error?

Living and working for a boss, who does not value me and who right now feels he is my only chance of survival?

Living everyday with the fear that

I might lose my job anytime.

I sat in my office sad all day as I corrected my mistake. But right there, I made a decision to change my lifestyle and work for myself, be my own boss.

But for me to achieve this I had to start my own business online,


And I was so determined to never give up, even if I failed.

I decided to take the concept of making money online seriously.
I went all over the internet, searching for information.

After a couple of days I decided to set up my blog
(as that is the first part for an online business)

But because I worked full time
I didn’t have enough time to work and also run my business.

A few days later, as a result of the pandemic,
a lockdown was implemented and I was asked to work from home.

Now with more time on my hands,
I went all in, doing all I can on my new blog.

And in less than 2 weeks..

I made my first commissions
 – $503.54

and at that moment, I was the happiest man on earth.

And I decided this is it.

This is all the motivation I need to keep on doing this and growing at it.

The method I tried to get my first start is what I am about to reveal to you in my case study.


This case study is a documentation of what has worked for me.
Compiled in a 20 page PDF ebook.

$7.99  Today $4.99 Only

What you will learn from my case study

  • My journey on how I got started building a blog
  • The method I used to start making money FAST.
  • The traffic source that pulled in just enough to make sales
  • How I set it all up and much more…

It will give you the right pointers to what you need to focus on if you are just starting out making money online.

Who is this for?

  • Total Newbies who haven’t made a dime online
  • Anyone who has tried so many methods in the past and failed
  • Anyone just starting out with no email list
  • Anyone who owns a blog that makes little or no money 
  • Anyone still trying to figure out what steps to take

Exclusive Bonuses

Facebook group

Access to my private Facebook group. A community where others like you can share ideas and help each other grow in business.

$97 value

pick my brain

I will not leave you hanging. I will be there to guide you by answering every question you have after going through my case study.

So it almost feels like I am taking you by the hand and showing you exactly what I did to achieve these results.

$197 value

Right now, you’re probably wondering what this cost?
Get It Today at Rock Bottom Pricing

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P.s this is a limited time offer and the price might increase soon...

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