Complete Guide To Designmodo

Complete Guide To Designmodo - Featured Image

The world is becoming more and more digitalized. The process just goes on, which is changing the way companies engage with their audiences. Are you still asking whether a digital presence is that important?

Well, if a company wants to succeed in today’s competitive environment, a well-established online identity is a necessity.

But it doesn’t have to be so complicated. As digitalization is progressing, the solutions that help people accommodate to that environment are doing so as well. And the best part about it is that these days, you don’t have to have extraordinary programming skills to take your business online!

In today’s complete guide, we will walk you through Designmodo, a website and email builder that can help you achieve your goals and grow your business!

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What is Designmodo?

Designmodo, established in 2010, provides its customers with products that help companies grow in the online world. The website and email builders are easy to use, thanks to the drag-and-drop feature, which means the users don’t need to have coding skills.

On top of that, Designmodo also provides its audience with knowledgeable insights about industry trends, in addition,  they also offer an option to help companies promote their products or services.

If you want to get a better insight into the appearance and functioning of a website built with Designmodo, you can simply visit their own website – it was built with the exact tools that are offered to their customers. As Designmodo states on their website: ‘Treat it as a proof of concept’.

Generally, Designmodo’s products are divided into three main groups: Postcards, Slides, and Startup.

Postcards‘ is simply an email builder consisting of over 100 templates, that are right away mobile-friendly, so there is no need to make an extra effort to ensure the output looks good on mobile as well. Designmodo prepared tutorials for their users, in case they want to quickly understand how the concept works. 

Slides‘ allows you to build pages in a matter of just a few minutes. The core is built with clean code which assures great functionality and speed of the website. Speaking of pricing, Slides is available in three price categories, as the picture below indicates.

Designmodo Slides pricing

First off, you can choose the billing period – either annually or monthly. The annual billing is, however, more favorable, as it saves around $100 compared to the monthly billing option. With the free version, you don’t need to enter your credit card details, but indeed, the version includes features to a limited degree with no support.

The difference between ‘Business’ and ‘Agency’ plans is $8, and the Agency plan includes unlimited exports, compared with the Business deal, which involves 20 exports per month.

The third, and last category is Startup. This product is most suitable for those who are establishing their online presence from scratch. The users are able to build whole websites or just landing pages.

The professionals behind Designmodo are constantly innovating and updating the products to ensure they equip their users with the best options. Speaking of Startup, you can even see the roadmap of upcoming features, as well as those that are already done!

The pricing is very similar to slides. You can try out how it works – the free plan gives you access to all features without the need to enter your credit card.

Designmodo Startup pricing

In the next section, we will walk you through the top features of Designmodo’s products – Postcards, Slides, and Startup!

Reasons to Use Designmodo

  • Drag & drop builder
  • Animation effects
  • Customization (HTML/CSS & Javascript)
  • Updated design
  • Great reputation
  • Pre-designed blocks
  • Mobile-friendly

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Top Features of Designmodo


As previously mentioned, the product ‘Postcards’ refers to an email builder that helps companies and individuals to bring their email marketing ideas to life.

1. ESPs Compatibility

One of the most important aspects, when choosing an email builder provider, is definitely the compatibility with different email service providers (ESPs). With Postcards, you can be sure you’re on safe ground.

The templates include clean HTML code and were tested with the most popular email service providers, such as Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, AOL, and many more.

2. Mobile-ready

The time people spend on mobile phones is continuously increasing. According to a recent survey, 46% of respondents answered they spend on average 5-6 hours on their phone, daily, and there is no work-related time included!

So, there is a great deal of chance that people come across the email while spending time on their mobile. As already mentioned, all emails built with Postcards are mobile-friendly!

3. Drag & Drop Template Builder

The drag & drop feature makes it extremely easy to build a final form of your emails. You put a number of modules together. This way, you can be sure the final form meets your expectations and visualizations.

Designmodo Postcards pricing

Speaking of pricing, there are two options to choose from. First of all, as it is with other products, Postcards are also available as a free version. This option is primarily designed for users to try out the tool – its features and code.

The difference between Business and Agency plans is that with the Business license, the number of emails you can create is unlimited, but they can be created for one brand only. The Agency license allows users to send emails to multiple brands.



The product ‘Slides’ refers to a static website generator that enables people to quickly achieve the desired results. What is, however, necessary, when using Slides, is to have at least basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. The framework itself has its own code based on CSS3/JS/HTML5 language.

Let’s explore the top features!

1. User-friendliness

The online tool is easy to navigate thanks to pre-build modules that make it possible to customize the final outlook to a significant degree. The combination of different components is then ready to export as static files (HTML/CSS/JS).

Static websites, in contrast to dynamic websites, are very simple. Dynamic websites display different content to different visitors, while with static websites, the content remains the same for everyone.

2. Layout

Designmodo created the product in a way where users can accurately and appealingly present their ideas. ‘Slides’ is equipped with 200 slides, 118 examples, and 30 panels.

3. Page speed

The code generated by Slides is clean and you won’t have any difficulties understanding it. Page speed is definitely one of the most important factors contributing to the overall user experience.

In addition, page speed also plays a vital role in SEO – fast websites have better chances to rank higher on search engines. So, your business will benefit big time, when choosing a provider that puts emphasis on the speed of the website.



1. Bootstrap 5

As Designmodo states on their website: ‘Bootstrap is a free and open-source collection of CSS and JavaScript/jQuery code used for creating dynamic layout websites and web applications.’

You don’t have to doubt whether the tool is suitable for you, in terms of how much knowledge you already have within web development. Bootstrap is relevant for both experienced users and beginners.

2. Pre-designed Blocks

A powerful website is equipped with excellent page speed and overall functionality, and good-looking designs. Underestimating one of these elements can significantly influence the general performance.

When you decide to build your website with Startup, there is no need to be afraid of the final designs. Users can select pre-made elements, which also accounts for the practicality of the tool.

3. No coding

As it was mentioned in the ‘Postcards’ section, Startup also includes a drag-and-drop feature that makes it even easier to work with. On top of that, you don’t have to know how to write code to build web pages with Startup (and they are mobile-friendly).

Get Started With Designmodo


How to Get Started With Designmodo – Complete Guide:

Since Designmodo has three main products, we will walk you through the process of starting with one of them, because the process is very similar. Here is the complete guide on how to start with Startup!

Step 1

The first step is choosing Startup among products on Designmodo’s website, by clicking on ‘Learn more’.

Designmodo step 1 startup

Step 2

Here you can read about the different features of Startup. But to get started, choose ‘Prices’ on top of the site.

Designmodo Startup step 2

Step 3

The next step is choosing a plan that meets your needs and requirements. As discussed, you can even try the tool for free.

Designmodo Step 3

Get Started With Designmodo

Step 4

In the next step, you will just need to confirm your choices to proceed to checkout. There is also an option to apply a coupon code. Designmodo step 4


Step 5

Next, and the last step is to fill in the billing and payment details. After this step, everything is ready to start creating a website with the Startup Bootstrap builder!

Designmodo Startup step 5

Get Started With Designmodo


Advantages of Designmodo

What can we say in general is that Designmodo has a strong client base, including companies like Ikea, Nasa, Google, Microsoft, or Adobe, and the list goes on.

In addition to all the products and features that Designmodo offers, people can also access a ‘Job board’ where designers and developers can search for a job, and companies are able to post job offerings. The jobs include both remote and full-time positions.

Another advantage worth mentioning is Designmodo’s affiliate program. Anyone can promote their products on blogs, websites, or social media with the possibility to earn a 25% commission on Designmodo purchases.

Generally, Designmodo is a reliable provider of email and web page builders. The products are especially helpful for web designers and developers since they can save plenty of time.

And perhaps the biggest advantage is that the aforementioned drag-and-drop feature makes the whole work even easier and adds to the user-friendliness of the products.


Disadvantages of Designmodo

An aspect some people might perceive as a disadvantage is that no hosting is included in the offers or that some themes might not be customizable to the degree the users would expect.

However, even though hosting is not included in Designmodo’s products, there are many other hosting providers for you to consider, such as JustHost, GreenGeeks, or

Get Started With Designmodo


Designmodo is undeniably a powerful provider of web-building and email-building services. Their products are user-friendly and easy to start with. Whether you need to build a website, specific landing pages, or realize your email-marketing ideas, you are in the right place!

The products are affordable and the pricing is reasonable, considering all of the features and possibilities included in the offerings.

So, in short, if you are looking for reliable products that help you take your business online or enhance your digital presence, Designmodo is one of the strong players in the game, that is worth taking into consideration.

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